Getting started

Installation and setup

Installation of latest release

pip install dataprocessing

or download latest source code

git clone

and install the developer version

pip install -e <path-to-data_processing-repo>


On Windows

1. Problem: Installation of required package shapely fails. Solution: Install pre-build wheel from here.

Database with docker (optional)

You need to have docker-compose installed. And some more tools, see requirements_system.txt.

Spin up database with docker

docker-compose up -d --build

Database credentials

database dp
port 54321
user oeuser
password egon

Execute pre-processing


python preprocessing/

for starting pre-processing from scratch doing data import and a pre-processing of imported tables.

Once completed, export required schemas to SQL dump

You might have to install `postgresql-client-11` from additional source to have a compatible client with the v11 dockered PostgreSQL database.

/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_dump -d dp -U oeuser -p 54321 -h localhost -Fc -n model_draft -n openstreetmap -n boundaries -n society > `date -I`_eGo_data_pre-processing_bremen.backup

Re-import dumped data by

/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_restore -d dp -U oeuser -p 54321 -h localhost 2020-03-28_eGo_data_pre-processing_deu.backup

You can run data processing by calling command-line script

Execute data processing

python dataprocessing/